The Double Bacon Bouquet™
The Double Bacon Bouquet™
Twelve not seem large enough? Double it with our Double Bouquet. Our signature bouquet is available with 24 long stem roses. Twice the bacon, this bouquet is huge!
This bouquet is MASSIVE and is made using 5 lbs of bacon. Each of the roses are hand crafted using our special blend of spices and techniques. It has taken us years to get this right! It makes the perfect gift for that unique person in your life. Show them they are special by celebrating their big day with a bouquet of their favorite meat.
The Double Bouquet comes in our grand gold gift boxes which measure 30 inches in length. It is wrapped in our signature rose wrap with our gold tissue underlay and then hand tied with a ribbon.
The original flavor is KETO Friendly, Sugar Free, and is what started it all. The flavor of great bacon.
As always, none of our packages come with pricing. They are packaged perfect for shipping, and are ready to arrive for your special occasion.